Essay / Acid Rap: Essay: Chance The Rappers Rap) - 1039
Essay 3 Chance the Rappers mixtape "Acid Rap" is Chance's second mixtape ever released in April 2013. A different type of rapper Chance is considered to be unique in a genre that today is mostly dominated by auto-tuning and the same background beat in every song. Acid rap has beats that are incomparable to many rap mixtapes because the beats Chance uses are simply so rare and strange; not to mention that Chances sound is different, many say you like or don't like his voice, there is no in between. Alongside the uniqueness of Chance himself and the mixtape, Acid rap is a social commentary on what is wrong with society, specifically the constant anxiety of "the Man" watching. Acid rap, coincidentally, the rapper is an incredibly unique album with new surprises. The man Chance is referring to is most likely the government or a larger uncontrollable force in Chance's life and, by being the "Pusha Man", Chance is attempting to wage a battle against this larger uncontrollable force. and, both figuratively and literally, pushing to achieve one's goal. The man against whom luck ultimately fights to achieve this goal has several tools that he uses. In this case, the man is the representative of the government and the government controls the people through “money” and prescription drug “pills”. The struggle against these tools is illustrated when Chance says, "I'm just trying to fight the man." This "man" that Chance refers to is what causes the "paranoia in his mind" in the second half of the song. The song goes on to describe how his neighborhood is unsafe using lines like "Pray for a safer neighborhood." The pace of this song is also considerably slower and darker, which sets the tone for a more serious discussion. Beyond Neighborhood Chances, there is a sense of anxiety and stress in all of his songs. Chance is never quite at peace with itself and either it's always commenting on something that's wrong in its life, or it's running away from something and