Essay / Reconstructing the paleoenvironment using geoarchaeology...
Introduction: Reconstructed paleoenvironments are important because they allow archaeologists to frame anthropological stories that provide a better understanding of what people needed and what was available to them to meet these needs. This reconstruction is greatly facilitated by geoarchaeological methods such as X-ray diffraction, stratigraphy, grain size distribution, micromaterial studies, micromorphology, magnetic susceptibility and palynological studies (Alam et al., 2008; Balbo et al 2006; Boyd et al., 2007; first, an explanation of these methods will be given, then three examples of how archaeologists use geoarchaeology to recreate paleoenvironments and why each recreation is important. The three example sites are Dongnimdong in South Korea, Awafi in the Arab Emirates. unis and Polje Čepić in Croatia Methods: X-ray diffraction is a method used to identify crystalline substances. When crystal structures are struck by X-rays, the amount of diffraction can be measured and used to produce a pattern. Each crystalline material has a unique pattern from which numerous databases have been built. These databases can then be used to identify unknown substances in a sample. Obtaining sediments using the presence and intensity of heavy minerals and approximating paleoclimates using clay components are two important uses of X-ray diffraction for geoarchaeological reconstruction of paleoenvironments (Alam et al. , 2008; Farrand, 2001; Hong et al., 2009; Tankersley et al., 2010).S...... middle of paper ......ractices (Balbo et al., 2006). This site is similar to the Korean site in that it helps archaeologists understand the changes humans made to their environment during the early development of agriculture. Understanding paleoenvironments is not only important for this reason, but also because it allows us to observe the natural state. Conclusion: The reconstruction of paleoenvironments and the changes that occurred there is very important for archeology because it shows the original state of nature that man developed. in, the changes we then made and the processes that created the environment we live in today. Geoarchaeological methods are relatively simple and precise means of determining paleoenvironmental contingents. You can't understand past cultures without understanding the world of the past and these methods are best suited to help archaeologists do just that...