Essay / Corrections in the 21st Century - 876
Corrections in the 21st CenturyDate: 08/21/10The principle of boot camp is designed in semi-criminal environments of military techniques that practice discipline, training armed forces and precise physical exercises to break a disobedient. or a delinquent teenager to apparently return home a good individual. Ultimately, the individual must obey authority, comply with rules and regulations, and improve the adolescent's behavior at home and at school (Boot Camp Info, 2000). In most cases, there is rehabilitation or psychological involvement to deal with the underlying disturbing emotional issues that may cause or develop the adolescent's problems. The explanation is that physical engagement of the child will allow him to stop acting disorderly, if placed in the right institution. There are many types of boot camp operations that practice different strategies but the same philosophy in implementing their objectives. . Some boot camps are run by the state as an alternative to juvenile detention/prison. This strategy is used to deter delinquent children from leaving the community and reform their behavior before reentering the community. Some private institutions are run to implement strict rules and regulations by forcing individuals in the camp to change their behaviors. Some boot camps are primarily designed to make students follow school regulations or restrict students by school rules. This strategy can lead to imposing long physical races and offering difficult courses. Finally, other boot camps aim to shake up individuals' awareness of reality (Boot Camp Info, 2000). Although this is not reality, because many people have not lived in a boot camp or military atmosphere, they have been thrown into the same rehab process as adults to help them get back on track. reorient towards a bright future. . This practice has limited the principle of using boot camp to reform delinquent behavior. With the increasing number of youth gang activities and substance abuse, young offenders also need a helper from the adult rehabilitation system. The procedure requires extensive counseling and education as well as funds to maintain services, etc. (Schmalleger & Smykla, 2000). Reference list Training camp information. (2000). Retrieved Tuesday August 2010 from What are boot camps?: http://www.boot-camps-info.com/bootcamps.htmlSchmalleger F., &. S. (2007). Correction in the 21st century. New York: McGraw Hall. Training camp for teenagers. (2009). Retrieved Tuesday August 2010 from Parents Knowledge Advancement: http://www.parenting-child-development.com/teen-boot-camp.html