Essay / Poem Anson's Best Intentions: Education and Murder...
Edmund Perry retaining the same personality towards his peers at home and in Exeter is a mental journey in itself. Facing racism at Exeter put Edmund on a mental journey trying to keep his cool and follow his personality and qualities, although the racism eventually bothered him to the point that Edmund changed. Edmund experienced a journey of drastically changing environments, moving from a predominantly black neighborhood to a predominantly white school which may have strengthened his personality. At Exeter, Eddie was the strong student he had been in middle school. Edmund tells us about Herney: “He was, said those who taught and coached him, mature for his age, serious, studious, determined and not at all impressed by the strange new world that was Phillips Exeter. »(114) I retain the same qualities that his teachers and coaches saw in him. I also see a similarity in how we use these qualities, to excel in education as Edmund did. After a situation in Exeter, explained in the book, Edmund says that "Eddie didn't let any group or clique tie him down, which is pretty amazing... He could be with blacks, and he could be with whites and he could be with himself. (165) I connect strongly to this feeling or this way of life. I feel like I don't need to have a certain group or clique, all I need is myself. I'm not racist or judgmental, so I can be and have fun with any group or clique. Recently, I entered a piece of art into the annual Teen Arts Festival. I was placed in a group made up of individuals I had never spoken to. This trip pushed me to make conversation while having fun and I took the opportunity to get to know them and create a sort of friendship. Being tied to a specific group will help you lose any chance of knowing other people and