Essay / LIES (under the microscope) AND THE LIE (to the extent...
Al Franken wrote a liberal masterpiece of epic proportions. If anyone fails to understand the "bias obvious media conservative" or "the complete lack of competence of the Bush administration and the launch of "Operation Ignore"" they only need to return to Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them to get the facts straight; clear from the first page, Al Franken launches into a very detailed, volatile, humorous narrative, a self-condescending and sometimes obscene attack on the far right. His first victim to fall is Ann Coulter, who, I must say. admit, fully deserved the endless assaults provided by Franken with his detailed fact-checking, twisting of words, barely-good-enough-to-cover-up-his-own-concessions humor made the entire section quite a read. informative, although based on attack, and vulgarity. The next person on the chopping block was Bill O-Reilly who is. inspiring comments such as "He says he's a satirist." If Franken is a satirist, then I am Jennifer Lopez” and “Shut up!” and “Shut up, fill the books!” » review pages. Franken has such respect for O'Reilly that he even dedicates the book to him (after hastily crossing out the typed dedication to his wife and family). Franken then slowly but surely picks apart O'Reilly, the "No Spin Zone", FOX News Corporation and O'Reilly's life story in a comical, demeaning and insulting manner that is sure to leave the reader rolling on the ground laughing. or the head bursting like a cheap water balloon with fury. Regardless, everything O'Reilly came into contact with is essentially doomed to hell and Lumia 2 is burning with brimstone by the time Franken reaches its climactic end. Fortunately (or unfortunately) Fr...... middle of paper ......another retort with is false. Absolutes, usually in any form, should worry the reader and require further research before a verdict can be reached. That being said, despite his slightly slimy tactics (unfortunately similar to those he condemns), Franken's arguments are logical and compelling in their own satirical way. One might be slightly more inclined to believe the book and treat it as some kind of Holy Grail if it finds itself swimming in the liberal side of the political pool, while conservative swimmers would do anything to burn the book by any means necessary . For those who love to wade and splash around in the middle of the waterhole, this is a great read for anyone who is interested in a funny, interesting and excitingly written article. A word to the wise for anyone who picks it up, in the words of Al Franken: “Don't believe everything you read..”