
  • Essay / Help with integration into standard American English...

    IntroductionThe English language has many varieties such as American English, Canadian English, Australian English, etc. Each of these has a standard form as well as additional dialects. Students who begin life with a dialect or vernacular other than standard American English, although native English speakers, will often have more difficulty adjusting to school. They may be misjudged as less intelligent, face prejudice, and have a harder time receiving the appropriate language reinforcement they need to succeed in the academic environment. According to Crochunis, Erdey, and Swedlow, "Although most of us recognize that learning a new language presents challenges, we may not realize that for some children, learning a new variety language (dialect) is one of the most difficult tasks they face in school. » (2002, section III, p. 18 – emphasis added). In this essay, I will discuss the standard form of a language, dialects, creoles, and the difficulties or limitations they may cause. In particular, I will demonstrate the differences that speakers of AAE and ChE dialects face, the effects they produce on learning, and possible ways to approach and support these students as they learn to function in the SAE world. 1. Explanation of standard language, dialects and creoles The standard form of any language is difficult to define; one might say that it is found “in the eye or ear of the beholder.” The level of a language may be defined imprecisely as "the variety used in formal writing", and by people influential in the public eye such as national politicians and television presenters. Thus considered dominant in a given culture, it is also sometimes referred to as a form of prestige and can also serve social functions within the medium of paper....... New York: Vintage Books, 1995. Print. McArthur, Tom. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Print. p. 940, pp. 289-290 “Resolving the sh-ch alternation in Chicano English.” Linguistic Np, and Web. February 22, 2014. .Sconda, Dave. “English meeting.” Meeting. Np, and Web. February 28, 2014. “Using AAVE to Teach SAE in DYSA Los Angeles Schools.” » YouTube. YouTube, June 29, 2008. Web. February 28, 2014. . This video highlights an effective technique for teaching dialect students to transition to SAE code. This technique can be used for any dialect to highlight differences and how to overcome them..