
  • Essay / The Ministry of Truth in 1984 - 600

    The goal of the Ministry of Truth is to restructure history to support its ideals. Ministry of Truth workers are changing history according to Party orders. These constant revisions to previously recorded history have led to a lack of accurate written documentation of Oceanian history. The Party has complete control over the recording of Oceania's history. ““Whoever controls the past,” said the Party slogan, “controls the future: whoever controls the present controls the past.” » » (Orwell, 34). This lack of accurate written history creates a problem for society because people learn from their mistakes. If mistakes are never documented as errors, people have no opportunity to learn. For example, Oceania is constantly at war with other countries. If there were accurate documentation of past wars, the Oceanian citizen would know the evils that accompany war; oppression, brutality, death and hunger. To solve the problem of lack of accurate historical information, one solution is for every Oceanian citizen to write in a private journal. Citizens of Oceania can keep their privacy...