Essay / Personal Essay: The Purpose of Life, Religion and Others...
The creation of humanity is a widely debated issue that causes conflict among believers and non-believers alike. We question our existence very often, but the truth is that no one knows the exact answer. Seeking the answer is an act of curiosity that disorients and sometimes overwhelms our current beliefs. Many humans have tried and therefore created hundreds of religions with different beliefs. Although we may never answer the question of our existence, we try to merge our past experience and background knowledge to create a reasonable answer. Although religions are diverse across the world, what they all have in common is that they provide hope that something exists beyond death, and they also provide wisdom to those currently living on earth. With the combination of philosophers, religions and wisdom, we have witnessed different beliefs that could lead to the answer to this arduous question of our creation. I was raised with Catholic parents, and growing up I agreed with the beliefs. and the morals that Catholics believed in, so I decided to stay in this religion. As a stereotypical Catholic, I believe that the earth and all living organisms were created by God. Even though the situation seems very complicated, I think it worked like magic. God was here before every person and every created person, over time he placed his only child Jesus Christ on earth who worked as a buffer against the ignorance of that age, and he taught his disciples wisdom and instructions for entering heaven. He was humble and miraculously healed the sick, which distinguished him from the rest of the people, because out of fear of Pontius Pilate losing his power, he authorized the crucifixion of Jesus. ...... middle of paper ......e hope and prosperity. Works Cited Anonymous. “Christian” ReligionFacts. February 8, 2007. 2/25/13 Accessed December 8, 2007 01/05/14 Anonymous “Bible Versus About Heaven” March 6, 2008 http://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/heaven-bible- vers/ 03/ 05/14 “Dalai Lama.” BrainyQuote.com Xplore Inc, 2014. 9 May 2014. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/d/dalailama158917.html http://www. brainyquote.com/citation/quotes/quotes/d/dalailama158917.html#BSYGxCFBJdTW6C6W.99 Roosevelt, Eleanor “Purpose of Life Quotes” April 6, 2001 http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/Purpose- of- vie 03/05/14Stevenson, Jay. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eastern Philosophy Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books, 2000. Print. The Holy Bible, New International Version: Zondervan House, 1984. Print.. 05/03/14