
  • Essay / King Arthur and his importance in the medieval Celtic world...

    Who was King Arthur and what was his importance in the medieval Celtic world? Although we may never know the complete answer to either of these questions, according to Thomas Green, we may be pretty close to answering the second. After reading Green's "The Historicity and Historicization of Arthur", the Arthurian sources discussed in the article seem to conclude that an Arthurian historical figure is very unlikely. If pre-Galfridian documents, such as the Historia Brittonum and the Annales Cambriae, are read in context as Green argues, and are not methodologically exhausted by the search for evidence, then it is possible for the reader of these texts to really understand. an idea of ​​what Arthur meant to writers of the time when the Historia Brittonum and the Annales Cambriae were written. Readers may also discover that the Celtic people of the time were not much different from the people of our time. While almost every woman, man and child in almost every country on the planet today has heard of Superman or Batman through films and literature....