Essay / The Aging Process and Care of the Elderly - 1792
SummaryThis report presents several aspects of aging. The report examines a number of theories about why we age, the physical and mental changes we experience as we age, and ways to care for older people.TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION........ ...... ..................................1THEORIES WHY WE ARE AGING.. ..... ..................................2Genetics...... ...... ..................................2Cellular..... .. ..................................2Physiological.... ..... ..................................2PHYSICAL CHANGES.... ........... .............................2 MENTAL CHANGES.. ................ .................................................. 5Alzheimer's disease............................................5Senile dementia .... ..................................5TAKE CARE OF THE ELDERLY... ..................................6Retirement communities.... .... ..................................6Life Care Facilities.............. .. ..................6House sharing.............. ....... .................6Group homes........................ ............... .................7Low-cost housing subsidized by the government............... ........7Foster care... .............................. ............7Let's retire.... ........................................ ......7CONCLUSIONS... ............................... ................... 9WORKS CITED........................................ .............. ........10INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this report is to discuss several aspects of aging. Several theories about why we age, based on genetic research, cellular research, and physiological research will be examined, as well as the physical and mental changes that result from aging. Specific mental changes that will be explored are Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. The final aspect to consider will be senior care in retirement communities, living care facilities, home sharing, group homes, low-cost government subsidized housing, foster care and retirement homes. Not guided by a universally accepted theory, genetic, cellular and physiological studies have given rise to several hypotheses. Genetics The most popular genetic theory, error theory, assumes that aging is the result of the accumulation of random genetic damage. ...can't afford to stay for a long time. Perhaps the most unfortunate aspect of these homes is the focus in the news on the mistreatment of patients. This is the most important thing to look for when considering a nursing home. CONCLUSIONS1. There is no single theory about why we age, but the topic is currently being researched in several areas.2. The body undergoes many changes as it ages, some of which can be slowed or avoided through the use of modern medicine.3. Alzheimer's disease is probably the most significant mental disorder among older adults, but research has discovered its effects on the brain, so a cure may be found in the future.4. There is a wide range of facilities where older people can spend the final years of their lives, depending on their level of independence and how much they are willing to spend. . Springer Pub Co; 3rd edition. 2001. Internet. April 17, 2014. Poehlman E, Danforth E. The aging body: physiological changes. Am J Appl Physiol. Resource series on. 2014