Essay / Cultural Management in Chile - 2116
IntroductionEvents are one of the most exciting and fastest growing forms of business, cultural development and truisms today. Festivals and events in general are popular initiatives aimed at improving the tourism sector. Indeed, it is suggested that in this developed world, regions seek to develop festivals as a powerful tool to promote cities and also strengthen their identity. Events are characterized by a temporary occurrence and a unique character – planned or unplanned – which makes them very attractive to the public and which makes them special and distinctive among permanent institutions. Additionally, if an event does not offer the customer something new or extraordinary, it becomes routine. Delving deeper into planned events, milestone events and mega events are classified as a planned public event, but they could be affected by unplanned events. events, due to their previous organization with an established program, activities, marketing and sponsorship, etc. A cultural celebration can be presented in many ways, carnivals, parades, exhibitions, festivals, etc., which present different types of interest. One of the most popular cultural celebrations, which this work will focus on, are festivals, their cultural management and the way in which the local community is involved. Festivals have this incredible quality, which has the condition of embracing a wide range of different cultural performances, not only entertainment and art, but also sports and leisure, among others. Management BasisFestivals have several management strategies that are necessary to organize a successful event. This preliminary step is taken by professionals or volunteers, companies or non-profit institutions. A full spectrum of opportunities... middle of paper ...... etz, D. (1997). Event management and event tourism. (2nd ed.) New York: Cognizant CommunicationCorporation. Mackey, R. (2009) The influence of Claude Lévi-Strauss [Online]. Available at: http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/11/03/the-influence-of-claude-levi-strauss/?ref=claudelevistrauss [Accessed 21 October 2011].NSW Ministry for the Arts (2004) Cultural Planning Guidelines for Local Government [Online] Available at: http://www.dlg.nsw.gov.au/dlg/dlghome/documents/information/CPG-final.pdfhttp://www .cooperativa.cl /director-del-festival-sanfic-somos-un-hito-cultural-relevante/prontus_nots/2011-08-20/155442.htmlLa Tercera (2011), Festival recorrerá comunas de Santiago con cine móvil [Online ] Available at: http://diario.lacercera.com/2011/08/19/01/contenido/cultura-entretencion/30-80670-9-festival-recorrera-comunas-de-santiago-con-cine-movil .shtml