Essay / Best Ways to Lose Fat and Get Physically Healthy
Some people who hit the gym daily never seem to get fit. We might see the chubby guy who is always on the treadmill but never loses weight, or the big muscular guy who is always bench pressing but never loses fat. This essay will highlight some of the best ways to lose fat and get healthier physically. The best way to achieve these fitness goals is to have a balance of strength, cardiovascular training and good nutrition. Weight loss is always the common goal when it comes to fitness, but it shouldn't be. This should be a result of better physical fitness. Fat loss and muscle gain should be the main goals of fitness. When people lose weight solely through a drastic reduction in calories, they are left with a smaller but still flabby shape. People don't think about fat density versus muscle density. Fat takes up more space on the body than muscle. Shawn Phillips, a fitness expert, explains how muscles actually shape you: A pound of fat is about the size of a cantaloupe. In contrast, a pound of lean muscle is about the size of a baseball. Using this analogy, imagine how amazing you would look and feel if you traded 20 pounds of fat (think 20 cantaloupes) for five pounds of lean, shape-defining muscle (think 5 baseballs) (Phillips 27 ). This is why fat loss and muscle gain should be the main goal, then weight loss will follow. Strength training plays a major role in achieving these goals. Strength training is defined in Merriam's Webster as "a system of conditioning involving the lifting of weights, especially for strength and endurance." This may include the use of barbells and barbells, a Nautilus, or similar machines” (Webster 1). Intense strength training improves metabolism. The important...... middle of document ......eight workouts>.This source gives a nice definition of what strength training is. This gives readers an idea of what they can do to gain muscle. Zelman, K.. Np. Internet. April 15, 2014. Zelman, writer and director of nutrition at Webmd, writes about the myth of fasting for effective and healthy weight loss. Zelman has extensive experience in nutrition and writes for numerous journals. She writes about metabolism and how fasting slows down metabolism. Zinczenko, David. The abs diet. 1st ed. United States: Rodale Inc., 2004. 287. Print. David Zinczenko writes about nutrition and how it helps a person get in better shape. David has experience writing for men's health magazines. David Zinczenko is the author of 14 New York bestsellers, with more than 10 million books in print.