Essay / Understanding Authority - 864
In order to understand this article, we will first need to take a look at the word authority. Authority means “the power to determine, adjudicate or otherwise settle questions or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command or determine. (“authority.”) This authority may come from a teacher, pastor, principle, or any other person with the ability to control or command someone or something. The biblical definition states that authority is “the legal and/or moral right to exercise power, or power that is rightfully possessed.” In the Bible, God is presented as the ultimate personal authority and source of all authority” (“Douglas, J.D. and Merrill C. Tenney.” p.61). In many stories such as Metamorphosis, Ivan Ilyich and The Guest, there was a clear definition that although there was an authority; the understanding of such authority was in no way concrete. Kafka's understanding was that the world was not under control and he wanted to share this with many through his writings. Kafka's expression in his life was that those who held "incomprehensible authority" were riddled with guilt while being incapable of having a fruitful relationship with anyone ("Mack, Maynard." p. 2298). Kafka, although disliking the difficulty of his father's authority, he understood that authority also existed for his own benefit. We see this through Kafka's story, The Metamorphosis, the struggle against the realism of life and the false life in which authority played a big role. He was able to express the lack of love he felt at the lack of challenging concepts Gregor was facing. Colossians 2:18-19 contrasts the concepts Kafka lived by by stating this about what he described in the same way that a false...... middle of paper...... lives no only in part but throughout our lives. Luke 6:46 tells us that we will only know what Christ is like if we commit our whole lives to His authority. Dictionary.com full version. Random House, Inc. September 18, 2011. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/authority>. “Barker, Kenneth L.” “Colossians 2:18-19.” Zondervan NIV Study Bible: New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008. p.1851 Print. “Barker, Kenneth L.” “Rom. 13:1-2. » Zondervan NIV Study Bible: New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008. p.1759 Print. “Douglas, J.D. and Merrill C. Tenney. " "Authority." NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible. GrandRapids, MI: Zondervan, 1989. p.61. Print. “Mack, Maynard.” The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. 5th ed. continental. New York. Norton, 1987. p.2298. Print.