Essay / Case Study Friction Forces - 524
1.1 Historical DevelopmentFamous people who studied friction forcesLeonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)He studied objects to discover what affected their ability to move across surfaces. He never published his theories and therefore never received credit for his discoveries. Guillaume Amontons (1663-1705) He studied friction to discover that friction was the effect that two surfaces had on each other. Charles August Coulomb (1736-1806) He continued the studies of Amonton. to add to the second law of friction.F. Philip Bowden and David TaborThey studied friction to discover that friction is related to the true contact surface. 1.2 Scientific Ideas Scientists view friction as being divided into five different subgroups: dry friction, fluid friction, lubricated friction, skin friction, and internal friction. There are three laws developed from scientific studies: Amontons' First Law: the friction force is directly proportional to the applied load, Amontons' Second Law: the friction force is independent of the apparent contact area, Law Coulomb friction: kinetics. friction is independent...