Essay / Global Income Inequality and Marxist Theory...
Global Income Inequality and International Marxist TheoryIntroductionA study published by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at the University of the Nations United Nations reveals that 40% of the world's wealth was held by 1% of citizens. adults in 2000, and the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the global total. The bottom half of the world's adult population owns almost 1% of the world's wealth. These are income inequalities. Income inequality can be divided into two types: inequality within countries and inequality between countries. In this essay, inequalities between countries were chosen as the target of the studies. Besides internal factors of countries, there are many external factors that lead to income disparity between countries in the context of globalization. There are two interesting observations: the north-south distribution of income and developing countries with high gross national product (GNP) but low GNP per capita – underdevelopment. Some have suggested that this is a result of the global trade mechanism. We wish to explore these observations further through the theory of Marxism. In this essay, theories of Marxism in international perspectives will first be briefly presented. Second, the North-South divide and underdevelopment in less developed countries will be described. In the last part, this article attempts to use theories of Marxism to explain these phenomena and evaluate their applicability. Conceptual Tool Before analyzing the case in reality, we first introduce the theories of Marxism associated with international relations. MarxismTradition MarxismMarxism is a socio-economic analysis of class relations and conflicts based on criticism of capitalism. The ultimate economic mode of production...... middle of paper ......rgeoisie vs proletariat. The North-South gap is divided by economic power rather than national border, as is the consideration of the economic factor. And Lenin's theory of imperialism can explain the process of exploitation of less developed countries that provide raw materials and labor. The less developed countries are the producers and the more developed countries are the capitalists who provide capital and resell the final products to the less developed countries. The capitalists (more developed countries) squeeze the producers (less developed countries) by reducing payments and welfare. It adds the global dimension to traditional Marxism and explains the process of global exploitation. However, from the explanation of dependency theory, it uses world systems theory.Reference