Essay / Essay on Global Warming: An Inconvenient Truth - 1045
Former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore, became interested in global warming during his years at Harvard University where he studied under the direction of Professor Roger Revelle. During the Clinton administration, Al Gore pushed and encouraged energy efficiency and alternative energy resources. After Al Gore lost the presidential election to Georgia W. Bush in 2000, Gore focused all his attention on global warming. Al Gore traveled across the United States and around the world to deliver a slideshow showcasing global warming concerns. Using updated equipment and animation, “An Inconvenient Truth” was created. In this film, it was the fifth highest-grossing documentary to date in the United States; Al Gore makes an argument about our climate. E1 The most venerable part of the Earth's ecological system is the atmosphere (an inconvenient truth). The protective layer of Earth's atmosphere, called ozone, is thin enough that humans have the ability to modify it. The layer is thickened by pollutants, causing more solar radiation to be trapped in the atmosphere. The atmosphere in turn heats up, hence global warming. Some of these pollutants, carbon dioxide, come from gas emissions from cars, trucks, buses and industrialization, as well as from paint drying, charcoal fires and dry cleaners (Ocean World). CO2 levels are increasing every year because of these pollutants.E2 By studying ice cores, scientists are able to examine the temperature and amounts of CO2 in the air. The increase in temperature is correlated with the increase in CO2. Using a graph, Al Gore explains that in 650,000 years the Earth's CO2 level has never exceeded 300 ppm. The graph also shows a temperature correlation. Al Gore further explains that...... middle of paper...... Spur Extreme Weather - CBS News. " June 19, 2008. Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. February 11, 2011. "JunkScience.com - The Real Inconvenient Truth: Greenhouse Effects, Global Warming and Some Facts." JunkScience.com - Steven Milloy, editor, February 9, 2011. Solanki, Parul "Hurricane Katrina: Facts and Information." Web Portal: Smart Life on the Web February 10, 2011. Stewart, Robert "Atmospheric Structure and Sources of Pollution." in OceanWorld - Bringing the Ocean to the Classroom, December 23, 2008. Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University February 11.. 2011 .