Essay / The female characters in An Inspector Calls and Macbeth
Macbeth and An Inspector Calls were plays written in different periods. The central female character in An Inspector Calls is Sheila and the central female character in Macbeth is Lady Macbeth. Sheila Birling comes from a wealthy, well-known factory owner and Lady Macbeth is the wife of a thane, named Macbeth. Both plays show a certainty of evil, but the central female characters in Macbeth and An Inspector Calls differ but are rarely presented as similar. At the beginning of Macbeth, in Act 1, Scene 5, Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a person hungry for power. , 'de-sex me here and fill me from head to toe with the most terrible cruelty'. By focusing on the word “unsexed,” we can deduce in context how she is asking evil to strip her of all her femininity and make her a cruel queen. We can also see that Lady Macbeth is a personification and her power of evil as she seeks power. I find this interesting because his aggression in suppressing his feminine behavior is seen by his evil spirits. Additionally, the way she seeks evil is interesting because, in connection with another piece of evidence in the same scene, she says, “And take my milk for gall.” By focusing on the word “gall,” we can see how she wants to behave very boldly when she is crowned. At the beginning of An Inspector Calls in Act 1, Priestley introduces Sheila as an energetic person, “(interrupting) Why should you? He's done with you. He says he's one of us now. By analyzing the words "we now" we can see how Sheila talks about responsibility, however, looking at the stage directions we can see how Sheila changes her character from doubtful to targeting her father and saying, "He's done with You ". I find this interesting because...... middle of paper ......t engaged. I find this interesting because at the beginning of the play, Sheila didn't like Gerald as much as she does now, because Gerald never saw her during summer vacations. It is also interesting to see how their relationship develops throughout the play. To conclude, the difference between Sheila and Lady Macbeth is that Sheila accepts her guilt while Lady Macbeth tends to blame innocent lives. What is similar about the central female characters in An Inspector Calls and Macbeth is that they are both insightful, but Sheila's perception is not as bad as that of Lady Macbeth, where she tends to insult Macbeth quite often. In general, I found Lady Macbeth more interesting than Sheila because I like how Lady Macbeth remembers her past while she sleepwalks and Macbeth hallucinates because of King Duncan's blood that he was responsible for..