Essay / Can the Internet strengthen the social capital of its users?
Social capital is not a new concept. It can be referred to as “the extent, nature and quality of social ties that individuals or communities can mobilize in the conduct of their affairs”. (Zinnbauer, 2007: 9). There are two complementary uses of social capital: social contact and civic engagement. Network capital refers to the relationships an individual has with friends, relatives, neighbors and work colleagues; and participatory capital refers to engagement in politics and in voluntary work and activities within the individual's own community (Wellman and Quan-Haase, 2001). The Internet can be understood as a universal system of networks that serves millions of people every day. This essay will examine different theorists and their way of explaining social capital and will also evaluate how an individual's social capital can be increased and improved through the Internet. Social capital has a much broader understanding than described so far. Many theorists define social capital in different ways. There are three main ones, one of them being Coleman. Coleman (1988) defines social capital as “the resources accumulated through relationships between people”. He explains it as something composed of different entities, so it can be understood as a function. It is seen as something productive and as a way to fulfill specific needs and desires that would be impossible to achieve without it. He believes that, compared to other types of capital, social capital is an inseparable part of the structure of relationships between and among individuals. individuals and among (Coleman, 1988). He also argues that social capital arises due to a change in the relationship an individual has with another who can provide something......middle of article......pital', American Journal of Sociology, 94(), pp 95-120.Josh Pasek, Eian More and Daniel Romer (2009) “Online social networks meet offline social capital”, Realizing the Social Internet?, 6(3) , pp. 2-16. Larissa Larsen, Sharon L. Harlan. , Bob Bolin, Edward J. Hackett, Diane Hope, Andrew Kirby, Amy Nelson, Tom R. Rex, and Shaphard Wolf (2004) “Understanding the Relationship Between Social Capital and Civic Action,” Bonding and Bridging, 24() , pp. 64-77.Martti Siisiäinen (2000) Two concepts of social capital: Bourdieu vs. Putnam, University of Jyväskylä: Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy. Pierre Bourdieu (1986) The Forms of Capital, New York, Greenwood: J. Richardson (Ed.) Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education. Robert Putnam (2000) Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New York: Simon & Schuster.