Essay / A framework for quality management research and a...
Quality research integrates a range of concerns, including the definition and management of quality, and specific mechanisms such as statistical quality control (CSQ). However, although statistical quality control research has evolved in a scientific and rigorous manner, building on the early work of Shewhart, Juran, Deming and others, the study of other aspects of quality, in particularly quality management, has not evolved in such a rigorous manner. fashion. Theoretical development and measurement issues related to reliability and validity are particularly weak in the quality management literature. Starting from a strategic perspective of the organization, this article identifies and justifies the key dimensions of quality management, then tests the reliability and validity of the measurement of these dimensions. In doing so, it establishes a clear framework for further research and for the evaluation of quality management programs by practitioners. In order to clarify the important dimensions of quality management, an extensive search of the relevant literature was undertaken. Quality management ...