Essay / Leadership Style of Green Landscape Leadership - 1440
3. Delegated Leadership (Laisser-Faire) This style of management and leadership is often found in decentralized organizational culture. The organic structure of the organization makes it comfortable. In this format, leaders offer no direct regulation, but supervisors manage their own team. Task culture is followed in this system. Therefore, large organizations follow this with slight modifications as role culture is followed rather than task culture. There are also other leadership standards: 1. Situational leadershipThis leadership is currently very popular. In this style, the quality of the leadership style is transformed into the requirement of the situation.2. Paternalistic LeadershipLeaders act as fathers and are responsible for all actions of the organization. Followers retain all direction of such a leader.3. Transactional LeadershipThis style of leadership motivates employees by providing rewards and punishments. Therefore, the motivational aspects are very firm in this style of leadership and management. In the case study, Lita Ong maintains participatory leadership with transactional approaches. Sometimes a situational approach is also noticeable. Such a leadership style is truly appreciable. Therefore, the Greenscape organization follows a centralized but task-oriented organizational culture. The situational approach to management and leadership has also enabled the organization to adopt a mixed structure. Therefore, a good transactional approach with a task culture allows Greenscape to function properly. [AO 2.2] 2.2 Organizational theory underpins management practice Organizational theories and management principles are created for the improvement of the organization. Therefore, the organization maintains conditional strategies. The Implementation of Theory YMacgregor, D (1960) describes two types of employees in organizations: 1. Lower level (Theory X)2. Higher level (theory Y)In theory X, employees try to avoid working and therefore need to be monitored during their working time. Theory Y talks about employees being innovative and responsible for their work. 3.2.4 Alderfer's ERG motivation theory Alderfer (1972) renovates Maslow's law of hierarchy in this theory. This theory classifies Maslow's closest levels of hierarchy. This theory is known as ERG (Existence, Relatedness, and Growth) theory. Figure 3.3: Alderfer's ERG motivation theory 3.2.5 Motivation as a work strategy model Miljkovic (2007) developed this hybrid model of motivation which allows different models to perfect each other. This is a strategy and motivation oriented model. This model integrates: