Essay / You Can Call Me Butter - 1017
I was on the computer, impatiently waiting for a message from SaxMan, he was an online hottie. We would always talk online for hours, he was the only guy I had feelings towards. He never sent me a photo of himself, but he wrote me a song and performed it for me via webcam, but made sure to never show himself. Ding Ding! My computer alerted me. SaxMan had texted me back saying "Hello girl, I just finished playing your song", I replied "oh! You know, I fall asleep to this every night. Which was true, I turned out the lights, played my song and fell into a deep, restful sleep", I subtly hinted that I wanted to hear the song in person, I loved his personality, his saxophone music, he was romantic, but I had to make sure he was who he said he was, I really liked him and wanted to see him, so I texted Jeanie and we came up with a plan. I woke up early in the morning for school, had a light breakfast and tried on my outfit for today. I also packed my running shoes, I had a big day ahead of me. I kissed my mother on the cheek and said goodbye to her as she left. My first class was as boring as watching paint dry. As soon as the teacher dismissed us, I ran out of the classroom down the hall to Jeanie's locker. She had already called the school to tell them we needed to have an appointment with the doctor. We sneaked out of school and took a bus to Brophy, I needed to see JP, I was falling in love with him and I needed to see him. It was like scratching an itch, I couldn't help it. The bus stopped, I quickly got out, thanking the bus driver on the way out. I stopped in front of a bakery, where apparently all the Brophy boys went to have lunch and chat. I saw a group of boys, around sixteen years old, coming out of the bakery, with a juice... in the middle of a paper... is it me then?!" I can feel the bile in the bottom of my my body. throat as I storm out of there I see Butter leaving with his head down, "he's finally hurt like he hurt me." gorged on food, everyone was watching closely to see if he was going to follow through As soon as Butter collapsed everyone called 911 and panicked, I was upset, was that why I. had done it. This "suicide attempt" I was waiting outside, I couldn't wait to see and I couldn't wait any longer, I hear a voice "He's ready." bed, looking quite shocked that I still came the same boy I fell in love with, he just lied about his appearance, he wasn't safe, but he started losing weight for me, after. everything, he wrote me a song "Let's start again, hi, I'm Anna", I said. he replied "Hello I'm Marshal but you can call me Butter".."