Essay / Food and Nutrition - 447
The world of food and nutrition has changed dramatically in recent years. It used to be eggs, red meat, and whole milk, but many doctors now recommend green leafy vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains. The old way got many people into trouble. Heart disease, cancer and other problems have become an epidemic. This is why nutrition is so important. Many children have weight problems and many suffer from arterial damage. It's difficult to turn on a television program without being bombarded by endless commercials for fast food. It is very difficult for parents and children to resist. Vegetarians have much lower cholesterol levels. Vegetarians also benefit from their inclusion in their daily diet. Consuming fruits and vegetables daily helps protect against many cancers. Many people have become addicted to the new tastes and many have introduced new native foods and styles to the many restaurants where we eat. Many people travel and bring new ideas about the foods we eat. Consumers are now demanding better and healthier foods. More and more manufacturers are now changing the way they process our food to reduce the risk of contracting diseases. It is best to consume foods without additives or preservatives. Many factors can make you hungry and others help control appetite. All of this contributes to eating well for good nutrition. Vegetables are also the best foods you can eat to lose weight and be healthy. Quitting smoking is the best investment you can make. This can cause many diseases. It is therefore also best to minimize the consumption of trans fats, added sugars and sodium. It takes a lot of time to teach good nutrition, reduce inflammation, and shrink your waistline. Controlling your genes, monitoring calories and preserving your senses all help in this fitness program. Increasing your activity level, staying hydrated, and eliminating alcohol can help. In addition to checking a product's ingredients to see if partially hydrogenated vegetable oil is listed, you can determine if a food contains a substantial amount of trans fat by reading the Nutrition Facts panel..