Essay / Marxism and Marxism in Greek Culture and Literature
In one of his most famous works "Iliad", he depicts one of the greatest worriers on the battlefield, Achilles, as a man blessed with a moral compass that didn't care much. for wealth and greed. This work shows the author's belief that there was a problem with many ancient Greek systems... Time and Geras was a system in which time represented respect, what every warrior wanted, and the tangible sign of time was Geras. or “price” (Morris Powell102). Agamemnon had obtained the Geras of Achilles, a young girl, as a share of the spoils. Achilies was angry because he had won the maiden fair and square, and a man could not have time without Geras (103). His political power was less than that of Agamemnon because he ruled fewer people, but he believed that he should have the same or more "time" for his achievements on the battlefield (104). He said to Agamemnon, “Yes, clothed in shame, greedy for gain,” because taking someone else’s time and geras was considered dishonorable and disrespectful. In this culture of guilt and shame, manifested in Homer's work, a man's reward was based on the merit of his actions.