Essay / Advertisement: Modern Brainwashing - 3188
Brainwashing and mind control are “best thought of as a series of techniques used over time to shape perception, cognition, emotions, decision-making and a person's behavior to such an extent that they have lost their freedom of choice” (Mind Control Today). These techniques, which once existed within authoritarian and totalitarian governments, are increasingly practiced by advertising companies and mass media. There are many similarities between political and economic norms that result in negative impacts on society following the adoption of these mind control tactics. As Malcom Advertisers and corporations are responsible for using modern and sophisticated forms of mind control to the point of brainwashing consumers, in order to manipulate their choices and spending habits. Our society is being negatively impacted, becoming a consumer-driven society, constantly distracted by overwhelming persuasive ads, as opposed to ideally informative ads. The most vulnerable targets and those most affected by persuasive advertising are younger, less mature and/or less informed and autonomous consumers. Ironically, it was once said: “An advertising agency is 85% confusion and 15% commission” (Allen). It is obvious that social benefits are not part of this equation. The resulting damage and serious social costs far outweigh any economic growth and benefits deemed necessary for advertising and marketing companies. Research suggests that we can actually influence the human mind without them being consciously aware of it. “Everything that is consciously perceived is open to...... middle of paper...... nfidence.com. Np, and Web. March 16, 2014. Orwell, George and Erich Fromm. 1984: A novel. New York, NY: Signet Classic, 1961. Print. O'Sullivan, Geremiah. “The social and cultural effects of advertising”. Np, and Web. March 14, 2014. Rowland, Meghan and Chris Turner-Neal. Brainwashing for beginners. Avon, MA: Adams Media, 2011. Print. Sheehan, Kim. Controversies in contemporary advertising. 2nd ed. California: Sage Publications, 2014. Print. Taylor, Eldon. Mental programming. 7th ed. Hay House, 2012. Print. Tellis, Gerard J. and Tim Ambler. The Sage Handbook of Advertising. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2007. Print. Winn, Denise. The manipulated mind: brainwashing, conditioning and indoctrination. Malor Books, 2000. Print. Winder, Ted. “Subliminal influence in the supermarket: part one. »A New Take. Np, January 4, 2013. Web. March 14. 2014.